Ars Choralis, ArtStrong, Catskill Center, Family of Woodstock Inc, Friends of Brunel Park, Friends of Rosendale Library, Hope Rocks, Town of Saugerties, Women’s Enterprise Development Center, Woodstock Farm Festival, Woodstock Housing Alliance, & Woodstock Symphony Orchestra
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention- Capital Region, NY, The Arc of Rensselaer County, Castleton Volunteer Ambulance Service, Catholic Charities Tri-County Services, Cooperative Christian Ministries of Schodack for the The Anchor Food Pantry, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rensselaer County, Greenbush Reformed Church, Joseph’s House and Shelter, Questar III BOCES, STRIDE Adaptive Sports, Troy Savings Bank Music Hall, Unity House of Troy, Inc., East Greenbush Community Library, Kiwanis Club of East Greenbush, National Alliance on Mental Illness, & Tri-Village Fire Company, Inc.
A.B. Shaw Fire Company, Alight Center, Camphill Hudson, Catholic Charities of Columbia and Greene Counties, Claverack Free Library, Coarc, Columbia Children’s Center, The Healthcare Consortium, Columbia-Greene Habitat for Humanity, Columbia County Sons & Daughters of Italy #659, Columbia-Greene Community College Day Care Center, The Columbia-Greene Community College Foundation, Columbia-Greene Humane Society/SPCA, Columbia Greene Workforce New York, Columbia Memorial Health Foundation, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Columbia and Greene Counties, Firefighters Association of the State of New York, FASNY Museum of Firefighting, Friends of Hudson Youth, Friends of the Public Square, Greater Hudson Promise Neighborhood, Greenport Fire Department, Hudson Area Library, Hudson Children’s Book Festival, Hudson Council #316 – Knights of Columbus, Hudson Dollars for Scholars, Hudson Flag Day Parade, Hudson Hall at the historic Hudson Opera House, Hudson Housing Trust Fund, Hudson Jazz Words, Jacob Leisler Institute for the Study of Early New York History, Mental Health Association of Columbia Greene, Mental Health Awareness and Creative Arts Gallery, New Life Maternity, The Olana Partnership, Operation Unite Education and Cultural Arts Center, Perfect Ten Hudson, Philmont Public Library, Rudolf Steiner Library, St. Marks Evangelical Lutheran Church, Stockport Volunteer Fire Company #1, Stockport Vol. Fire Co. Ladies Auxiliary, Stuyvesant Falls Fire Company #2, & Trinity United Methodist Church – Hudson
Albany Area Senior Orchestra, Albany County Historical Association, Altamont Fair, Brain Injury Association of New York State, Capital City Rescue Mission, Capital Region Chamber, Center for Disability Services, Empire State Aerosciences Museum, Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York, Friends of Conkling Hall, Mohonasen CSD, Food Bank of the Hudson Valley, Onesquethaw Volunteer Fire Company, Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Capital Region, The Salvation Army Empire State Division, & Veterans & Community Housing Coalition
Alan Devoe Bird Club, Art Omi, Camphill Ghent, Canaan Historical Society, Canaan Neighbors Helping Neighbors, Chatham Area Recreation Project, Chatham Fire Department, Chatham Central School District Robotics Team, Chatham Kids Club, Chatham Lions Club, Chatham Rescue Squad, Chatham Rural Cemetery Association, Columbia County Agricultural Society, Columbia County Fire Advisory Board, Columbia County Fire Chiefs Association, Columbia County Fire Coordinator’s Office, Columbia County Pathways to Recovery, Columbia County Recovery Kitchen, Columbia Land Conservancy, Crandell Theatre, Darrow School, East Chatham Fire Company, Flying Deer Nature Center, Friends of Lindenwald, Friends of the Chatham Public Library, Friends of the Tracy, The Ghent Playhouse, Ghent VFW 5933, Ghent Volunteer Fire Company No. 1, Hawthorne Valley Association, Ichabod Crane Central School District, Kinderhook Lake Corporation, Valatie Volunteer Fire Department, The Lily Pond Animal Sanctuary, Lucky Rehabilitation Center, Mac-Haydn Theatre, Mellenville Volunteer Fire Company #1, Morris Memorial, The New Britain Cemetery Association, North Chatham Free Library, Northeast Center for Spiritual Growth, OK Kids Inc., Our Community Cares, Inc., Red Rock Historical Society, Red Rock Volunteer Fire Company, Shaker Museum, Super Stories, Town of Austerlitz, Town of Chatham, Town of Ghent, Tri-Village Fire Company, Inc, Valatie Community Theatre, & Valatie Santa Claus Club
Ancram Center for the Arts, Copake Hillsdale Farmers Market, Free Columbia, Friends of the Copake Grange, Oldtone Roots Music Festival, Harlem Valley Rail Trail, Hillsdale Economic & Community Development Corp., Precious Pound Pups Inc., Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society, Inc., Roeliff Jansen Community Library, Town of Ancram, Town of Copake, Town of Gallatin, The Two of Us Productions/RARE, Inc., & West Copake Reformed Church
Boundless Arts Inc, Catskill Mountain Foundation, The Community of Windham Foundation, Discover Life Church Food Pantry, Hunter Fire Co No 1, Inc., Hunter Foundation, Hunter Public Library, Huntersfield Christian Training Center, Mountain Top Arboretum, Mountain Top Historical Society, Mountain Top Library, Regenerative Housing in the Hudson Valley, & Tannersville Area Health